Political humor and other thought-provoking stuff
False equivalency between Clinton and Trump
Giving Trump credit for low gas and inflation is like giving him credit for sunrise
It took less than a day for Trump to break his oath of office
Price of eggs was too high so I voted against my own best interests
Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me
Trump is what you get when you don't vote.  Save democracy - vote!
If Kamala wins, it's because of who Trump is.
Poject 2025 isn't secret.  They have a plan are not afraid to share it.
Biden has immunity for everything he's done in office
Now that Bannon is going to jail, it's time to ask if Trump is really getting the best people?
I like Presidents that don't praise dictators
Trump finds 34 ways to further differentiate himself from Biden
2020 Election Interference was done by Trump
Trump calls the FBI bluff
Can you spot the declassifed document?
Take down American flag, traitor!
Safer to live in Republican or Democrat state?  Democrat.
Replubican's clever scheme to garner Democratic support for Border Wall.
Trump supporters remember the good economy and forget the bad one.
New Republican standard for treason: I don't like them.
Training and experience are qualifications that matter for US Assistant Secretary of Health, not gender identification.
Texas Lt Governor was right about voter fruad but got the party wrong
It could have been much worse
20 Years worth of military equipment can't be removed in 6 months by 2500 personnel
Is Afghan withdrawal really all Biden's fault?
Child sex trafficing - but what about Rep. Matt Gaetz?
Spending rent money to help billionaire Trump overturn an election.
How likely will Trump win in a Recount?  Not very. Here's why.
How the 2020 Election is not like 2016
Impeachment trial was like watching a ship sink ...
Trump is third President to be impeached; Not first but probably worst
I know why Trump could kill someone on 5th avenue; he'd deny it and his followers would believe him
Trump throws Rudy under the bus
Hey Mister Trump - who should we hate today?
Trump: Justin. Thanks for the media distraction.
Meanwhile on the campaign trail ...
Is American really a Christian Nation?
Nothing more divisive than impeachment - Seriously?
Trump wants to dump asylum seekers in sanctuary cities
Benghazi investigation vs. Russia investigation
tRUmp declares a national emergency
tRUmp insults intelligence chiefs
tRUmp creates a real national security crisis from a fake one
Mueller Report - This was no voting accident!
Trump n' Russia
Trump Cleans Up The Swamp
President T.
Secret Society
Republican Rebranding (GROPE)
The Hillary Distraction
Gun control is a slippery slope
Calm Before the Storm
At the Alt-Right Rally
Trump Crime Family
Scaramucci - New Communications Director
Trump and Russian Meddling
Trump's Smooth Moves - Don't look into my finances
The Presidency is Hard
Give him a chance they said
Day 35: Trump and his administration still not clear on Freedom of the Press
Can protests make a difference?  Well, duh!
Trump says he won Electoral College by biggest margin since Reagan.  Not even close
Trump and Intolerance, Does this mean he's resigning?
Judging the Judges: Update
Uncle Sam is sad because people think the U.S. is so weak & feeble a politician could destroy us
A brief history of Civil Rights in America
Trump & Women: Women love me.  I kissed 6 just yesterday.
New Legal Standard: Innocent until proven guilty unless in politics
Victory at any cost
I just can't decide if I should vote
Trump's Taxes: I prefer a smart business man who doesn't loose almost $1B
Cell phone cameras may be the greatest advancement in civil rights since Martin Luther King
Your choices for 2016 Elections
Trump: Hate
Guns Don't Kill Cartoon
Laffer Curve Cartoon

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Refugees Cartoon

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