Evolution doesn't give a poop about our compulsion to categorize.

Think you know the fundamental distinction between male and female?  Think again.

Is it this (Male = xy, Female = xx)? That's for mammals!

In birds, the one who lays the egg has xy, and the one who fertilizes the egglayer has xx.

Male bird =xx; Female bird = xy

Weird, huh?

This apparently bothered scientists, so they switched it up and called the female zw and the male zz.

Male bird to female - 'I still love you'

So, how do we classify males from females? Generally speaking, big gametes (an egg) vs litle gametes (sperm).

Sperm to egg - 'I am up for the challenge'

Think mammals are hair (of fur) -bearing animals that bare live young and feed them with milk?

Don't even get me started on this guy ... (platypus)

"Sweetness" font courtesy of: FREE Graphics & Resources @ ByTheButterfly.com

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